NAV 2013 R2: RDLC reporting - Inserting Body rows

I have a new report, that I based upon an existing standard report.The main differences is that the standard report had some rows/lines that I don’t need in my new report. But these lines were the actual body lines in the group structure of the old. So when removing these lines, then the report had no “body” - only group headers/footers.


So my question is, how do I change the existing lines from group headers to body lines? And if not possible, how can I insert new body lines into the existing grouping?

try insert row - outside group above/below.

Thanks, will try it out at first light [:)]

Well that didn’t work. This allows me to insert a new group header row, not a body row.

your problem is you have a group in a group. so do it twice.

“insert row - outside group” in one of the rows, best the first or last.

then select the new row, which is now only part of the outer group, and do “insert row - outside group” again. and you will get a fresh new body row. :smiley: