Modify "Unit Cost" of parts with entries

For some (known) reason, the field “Unit Cost” of some parts was modified incorrectly, without a corresponding ledger- or value entry behind (so it is not possible to use revaluation journal!). The only way I see to correct this is via a dataport (without field validation) to override the “Unit Cost”. Is there a problem if I do this for parts without stock or with stock? Costing method: Average, Stockkeeping units in use, with different costs per location.

Costing Method Average = Don’t touch the Unit Cost field on the Item Card [B)] The systems keeps a floating Average cost based on what is actually in inventory. As soon as you remove an item, you average cost may get adjusted again. The best way is to remove inventory and put it back in at the correct cost.

Thanks Chris. But is this also true for an item with ledger entries that are all correct (this incorrect unit cost came from an incorrectly running program created by our NSC that modified the field without the f.VALIDATE activated). So, based on that, changing the unit cost value to what it should really be based on the value entries etc. should not interfere with any adj. batches. [?]