Migration from 2.6 to Attain 3.10

We are using Navision Version 2.6B and now we planning for Navision Attain 3.10 Local Version(India)is there any major conflicts in data moving from 2.6B to 3.10IN by using Backup and Restore Method.

What exactly is your aim? 1. Upgrade to Newer Version or 2. Upgrade only the Environment By the method u r thinking,it is the option 2, which isn’t an upgrade. The product functionality remains the same, no change. If this is what you are intending to do, then there’s no problem in using backup & restore.

We want to Upgrade to Newer Version, Where as Our Old Version has got some customization. We are looking to Use New Fuctionalites which comes under Newer Version Along with our History(Data). Data moving from Old Version to New version Prefered method is Backup and Restore. is it Feasible or Any other better way.

You need to perform a full upgrade not just executables upgrade. Ideally you need to contact your NSC for the same, they have the resources(license/toolkit) etc. to do the job. The solution to your issue couldn’t be solved just by backup & restore. There are a lot of issues & changes from 2.6 to 3.10 versions.