Maximum Retail price is not updating punchline_In(localized table) in intercompany


Configured Intercompany setup for PO and SO , here when PO is created inter-company SO is also created, and when changing the line details in SO(Like unit price), PO also got changrf but purchline_in(localized table) fields(maximum retail price) are not updating.

issue identified at method table\purchline\intercompanyupdatenow () and table\salesline \ intercompanyupdatenow ()

here this issue raised at

purchLine_IN = this.purchLine_IN();

purchLine_IN.orig().MaximumRetailPrice_IN != purchLine_IN.MaximumRetailPrice_IN)

here when comparing orig () with present maximum retail price it is failing.

orig () method is not working for localized tables.

if any one came across this please help,

