
just a question for a better understanding of the database: when i login i automatically get a mainmenu (form 330). Where is this stored that this form has to be executed when the login is done ? Stefan Weinreich Billing Analyst

Hallo Stefan, check this thread: hth bye Andre

Hi Stefan, Codeunit 1 Anwendungsverwaltung Mandant Öffnen() IF USERID <> ‘’ THEN IF BenutzerEinrichtung.GET(USERID) THEN HauptmenüID := BenutzerEinrichtung.“Hauptmenü ID”; IF HauptmenüID = 0 THEN HauptmenüID := FORM::Hauptmenü; EXIT(HauptmenüID); And for out english reading friends: Codeunit 1 ApplicationManagement CompanyOpen() IF USERID <> ‘’ THEN IF UserSetup.GET(USERID) THEN MainMenuID := UserSetup.“Main Menu ID”; IF MainMenuID = 0 THEN MainMenuID := FORM::“Main Menu”; EXIT(MainMenuID); Regards Walter

thanks to Andre and Walter Stefan Weinreich Billing Analyst