
is their any way using the properties of a field to build a special-lookup like in ms access ? i have a from in which i wanna show some data coming from another table … so i have a field which shows the id in my table and which is filled in using a lookup on the other table giving back the choosen id … but i am interested in the description of the record in the other table so it would be more nice if i can see the description for the id on my form and i want to use this field also to choose my id … you know… the field’s data is the id … the lookup is on the id in the other table but i wanna see the descritpion depending on this id and not the id itsself … now i soluted it with a textfield which gets the description using a setrange()e.g. and a button next to it with a lookup and which stores the id in the current table … are their any other ways without so much code ? … i am not really glad with that solution … thx alex *** quack ***

You may make use of FlowFields. Add a new new field to your table and set the field type property to “FlowField”. The CalcFormula property should look like: Lookup(Customer.Name WHERE (No.=FIELD(CustNo.))) You may use the assist edit form to edit the Calcformula. This approach means that you need to store the key value of the lookup object physically in your table while the name is only fetched on-the-fly. So it´s a bit less coding than your solution but the effect is nearly the same.