Longer code line


In the C/AL editor I can write a 132 charachter long code line. But I need to write 162 charachter. How could I do that? Is there any properties for that?

You cannot make code lines longer, but you can simply continue the line of code on the next line.

I have to write this line into a txt, because I want it to import like a codeunit. But this line is too long. But if I write it in two line, the program write a syntax error.

F.WRITE(‘XMLDoc@1005 : Automation “{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221} 4.0:{F6D90F11-9C73-11D3-B32E-00C04F990BB4}:‘Microsoft XML, v4.0’.DOMDocument”;’);

The syntax error is due to the single quotes you have in the string you want to write to the file around the ‘Microsoft XML,v4.0’. Try it with 2 single quotes instead.

The syntax error is due to the single quotes you have in the string you want to write to the file around the ‘Microsoft XML,v4.0’. Try it with 2 single quotes instead.

In other words:

F.WRITE(‘XMLDoc@1005 : Automation "{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}’ +
‘4.0:{F6D90F11-9C73-11D3-B32E-00C04F990BB4}:’‘Microsoft XML, v4.0’’.DOMDocument";’);

I didn’t type that into C/SIDE, but it should be correct.