List page Filter Control In inquiry form ax2012

hi all,

is it possible to have a list page control in inquiry form?

i want to add a purchtable filter control in a inquiry form.

is it possible,

suggest me pls

thanks in advance.

any suggestion on this???

I saw you question and didn’t answer because it’s not clear to me what you need. If you make more effort to explain your problem, you will have better chance to get an answer. My reply is already longer than your questions… and it’s not me who ask for help.

Hi martin,

thanks for ur reply.

my requirement is,

i need build a filter which is like a listpage default filter.


same like above image.

is it possible ???

please let me know if it wont help you

AFAIK, you won’t get it generated for anything but list pages. Nevertheless you surely can develop a similar functionality, if you think it’s worth doing. I would try to explain users how to achieve what they need with existing options, such as filtering by grid and advanced filters (Ctrl+F3).