HI ,
any idea please
HI ,
any idea please
You have to create an extension.
If you don’t want to apply any line discount %, you can create a table extension:
tableextension 50100 "My Sales Line" extends "Sales Line"
modify("Line Discount %")
trigger OnBeforeValidate()
if "Line Discount %" <> 0 then
Error('"%1" is not editable.', FieldCaption("Line Discount %"));
This way it will fail if some discount is applied manually or automatically, for instance, if the system tries to apply a configured discount in the prices. You can use the event OnValidateLineDiscountPercentOnAfterTestStatusOpen instead de table extension to do the same check.
If you don’t want that nobody change this value manually, you must do some page extensions:
pageextension 50100 "My Sales Inv. Subform" extends "Sales Invoice Subform"
modify("Line Discount %")
Editable = false;
You must create a page extension for each page that goes on “Sales Line” table and put the field as not editable.
Hi Pjlaneras
Thank you very much
But we need something more
how can do for some users to edit line discount and some other user no edit the field ?
Regards ,
Hello @ERI,
I would create a boolean field (table extension) in the “User Settings” table, and allow users with this new field to edit the discount field, this would be possible with page extensions, doing a bit of programming in the trigger OnOpenPage, and the Editable has to be a variable.
Hello ,
If you can do it please let me know
Regards ,
I think from what you’re asking, you’re not working at a Microsoft partner and you’re not an AL developer… ask your Microsoft partner this. This forum is to resolve doubts, not to carry out this type of work.