License Issue:


I have a NAV license for 4 +3 users, but on the production server we are able to use it only for 4 users, whereas I have tried at other machine there it allows all 7 users. So it means license has the right permissions, but something to with the server.


Has anyone else, faced some similar issue and if yes , how did you resolve it?

Hi ,

Where is the license stored ? Is it SQL or Native ?



Thanks to Yukon for providing following solution:

I faced similar issue. My user still cannot login more than 3 user after they added more user in their license (First time 3 user + added 4 user). They cannot login more than 3 user after restarted the service. For my case i solved by below step

  • All user exit from navision
  • Stop Navision Service
  • Check Active Session Table (SQL)
  • Delete all record in Active Session Table (I found some user still in “Active Session” after they exit from navision and service is stopped.)
  • Start the Navision Service