Hi, Can anybody come up with a suggestion to the following: A Customer is running Navision 3.60 (Attain). In this they hold Customer details and have ledger entries etc against them. They also run a different software package which holds different data about the customers. To launch the different package from Navision is easy enough passing the customer as a parameter etc. the different package will open itself up if it isn’t already. What is the best way to reverse the action required. The user is sitting within the different package and wishes to press a button and display the customer details in Navision but there is no session running yet they wish it to open up and display the correct customer. How can this be best achieved ? Many Thanks in Advance Rob
I hope this is what you are looking for. Open Navision 3.60 / Goto the customer card / place your cursor on the No. field / Choose option “Copy Link” from the “Edit” menu. Paste this link into Notepad. Here you have the link you need to open Navision on and jump to the customer card. You can give the “Customer No.” as a parameter. To give you a hint which parameter that is: %26position=field1=0(CUSTNO)%26
← CUSTNO is the Customer No. you have to fill! Good luck!
Hi Robin, perhaps you can do this with Hyperlink-fintionality of 3.60. i.e.: - Open the customer card - set position to a special customer - Menue “File” → “Send” → Shortcut to Desktop - close Navision - double-click the new Desktop-Shortcut if you can this dynamicly in the NON-Navision-Software, this may be a solution. MfG Josef Metz
Hi Guys, Thanks for your replies. Both are great for what I want to do. Thanks ROb
Hy rob just look at this: http://www.navision.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4027 There is an example how to start navision from excel via navision-hyperlink. Bye (Stefan);
Hi Stefan, That’s great as well thanks. As a little extra do you or anybody else know if you can put a userid and/or password into the string ? Rob
Hy Rob i found no way to add userid or password. But it’s only necessary to log in the first time. If navision and the specified company is open, there is no need to log in twice. You will just get an other window/form within your active navision session. With hyperlinks you can call reports and forms. Bye(Stefan); PS: Here my codeunit to compose hyperlinks sorry for the german comments DefHyperlink(parMandant : Text[30];parObjekttyp : ‘Form,Report’;parObjektname : Text[30];parView : Text[250];parPosition : Text[80]) re Name ConstValue txtCompany “company=” txtTarget “target=” txtView “view=” txtPosition “position=” //Hinweise========================================================================================================================== //Vorbelegung der Parameter kann einfach wie folgt durchgeführt werden //ParMandant => CompanyName (Standard wenn ‘’) //ParObjekttyp => Option Form,Record (0,1) //ParObjektname => … //ParView => Record.GETVIEW !!! //ParPosition => Record.GETPOSITION !!! //================================================================================================================================== //Vorbesetzen Mandant falls nicht übergeben----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF parMandant = ‘’ THEN parMandant := COMPANYNAME; //Basisurl ermitteln (Servername, Datenbank und Company)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- locURL := CONTEXTURL; //Company herausnehmen, Rückgabewert bis Company, nach Company in locURL Speichern-------------------------------------------------- retval := COPYSTR(locURL,1,STRPOS(locURL,txtCompany)-1); //Aufruf Server+Database übergeben locURL := COPYSTR(locURL,STRPOS(locURL,txtCompany)+1); //übergebenes Abschneiden locURL := COPYSTR(locURL,STRPOS(locURL,’&’)); //Rest, außer mandant speichern //Mandant und Objekt (form Report) anfügen------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ retval := retval + txtCompany + parMandant + locURL; //Informationen Mandant übergeben //Objekt übergeben------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF parObjektname <>’’ THEN retval := retval + ‘&’ + txtTarget + STRSUBSTNO(’%1 %2’,parObjekttyp,parObjektname);//Informationen Form/Report übergeben //Wenn übergeben dann Positionsinfo anfügen----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF parPosition <> ‘’ THEN retval := retval + ‘&’ //Informationen Position übergeben + txtPosition + parPosition; //Wenn übergeben dann Filterinfo anfügen-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF parView <>’’ THEN retval := retval + ‘&’ + txtView + parView; //Schluß (Basisurl nach Company) ergänzen-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi Robin, if you use Windows Logins, there is no problem with userid/password. MfG Josef Metz
HI, Is it correct that in Attain for one database you can have users logging in by Database Authentication AND Windows Authentication ? Thanks in Advance Robin
Hi … You can have users logged into your database with either Database or Windows Authentication at the same time. But only one Authentication can be used for each login. Br, Guðlaugur Ingi
Thanks for your reply. Robin