1- I want users to access the server with a default language, how do I set the parameter in the exe?
2- the spanish language appears without description on Tools → Language, I tried to change it on Windows languages table but I have no permission, even if I’m using development license, how can I do it?
Hi Erik, they conect locally to NAV and gets the english language by default, anyway they can change to spanish, even if it appears without name on the form (Tools → Language). I would like to give them and exe that connects directly to spanish one
How did you install their version? Did you install the Spanish client version locally? Or did you install the English version and applied the Spanish language pack after this?
I would like very much to know if such a parameter exists…
However you can obtain a similar behavior, by adding a field to e.g. Table 91 - User Setup, that indicates which language each user uses.
Then modify CU 1 - LoginStart to look in table 91 for alternatives to the GLOBALLANGUAGE-setting is already done first in this function.
This way you just have to make sure that language-packs are installed (which you already should), but are no longer bound to installing the correct language-version of the client.
Regarding the missing description of the spanish language…
Also in CU 1 you’ll find a function called SetGLobalLanguage.
This function fills a temp-table with the possible language-choices the user has on this particular pc, and presents the content of this temp-table to the user.
You can do a workaround here to change the description of the spanish language. (which is blank at the moment as i understand it)
just tried it myself…
Seems to have some problem with the top-menu (File, Edit, …)
Maybe it wasn’t such a good solution afterall [:D]
You can also simply put a call to the SetGlobalLanguage-function into LoginStart-function, and then the user can choose the language them-selves at login-time. (they would have to do so every time though)
Lloginstart sets language at startup. Using User Setup it’s the best way. I think Alexander should be the way to follow.
Regarding Spanish Navision client, language always appears has blank. I never tried to find the reason.
Right know I’m in Madrid ([:P]) and customer and my NAV client have Spanish language as blank option.
Have you tried my workaround, and modified the languagename in SetGlobalLanguage-function?
Something like:
IF TempLanguage.“Language ID” = SpanishLanguageID THEN
TempLanguage.Name := ‘Spanish’;
Alexander solution works but I think displaying choose language form every time a users connect is not a good solution.
In my case the only problem comes because I distribute and executable with a param (ntauthentication = Sí) for new users and obviously it displays them an error (something like “Sí” is not a value, values are “Yes, No”)… bad way to start in NAV world I think jajjaa. But next times every user login it’s everything OK, so I’m afraid is better continue this way than selecting language every time a user connects.
Anyway I have just seen something about a language param, I couldn’t read it yet. Thanks to all
In short - there isn`t a parameter for this purpose (or it is not documented…), but different approaches were disscused in that thread, look at it, maybe you can find something suitable…