Joins in Ax 2009


Iam new to Axapta. Any one please tell me about Joins and their LinkType like(What exactly are- InnerJoin, OuterJoin, ExistJoin, or NotExistJoin)

I read the developer help - i understood the concept, but i didn’t understand the exact working of Joins and their LinkType’s

Please help me indetail about the the functionality of Joins and their LinkType Property

Thanks in Advance


this is sample of how to use the joins in AX 2009

This way to write join statement inside X++ code to select specific data from more than one table :

static void test(Args _args)
MOHItemBatchRelation mibr;
InventSum invsum;
InventDim invdim;
str s;

select invdim
join invsum
join mibr
where mibr.ItemBatchRefId == invsum.MOHItemBatchRefId && invdim.inventDimId ==
info(strfmt(“invdim %1 is a %2”, invdim.wMSLocationId,

Hi Ahmed,

Thank you for ur suggestion, it helped me

But iam looking for Join Property(Passive, Delayed, Active,InnerJoin, OuterJoin, ExistJoin, or NotExistJoin) exact functionality

Please tell me the working of these Properties.

Thanks in Advance