Hi, is your e-mail down ? sent twice e-mail; kicked-back. Rgds Johannes Cohen
Sorry. Updated my profile and made a mistake in the e-mail address. Should be fine again now. But, without offending you, before asking “private” questions, please do have a look at the discussion in the NOLUG section of this forum John
hello John, thanks for reply, no private questions. having problems with consolidation. if you have experience with this… cannot consolidate closing date …C123100 need to consolidate 6 business units …don’t want to use excel anymore… any help appreiated…or reference…
Johannes, No personal experience with consolidation (that’s the nice thing with Navision - there will always remain something to learn more about), so perhaps I’m wrong completely, but I believe it’s not allowed to use a Closing date as range here. Did you try to use just 31-12-00? John