Can anyone assist me with the following item tracking error that I have come accross. The error is noticed by doing the following steps in a new CRONUS database: 1. Set the item tracking code for item 1000 to “FREEENTRY”. 2. Create a new sales order and added a sales line with this item 1000 and a quantity of 10. 3. Click the “Order” menubutton and select “planning” and create a new released production order of type “item order”. Notice that the sales line reserved quantity is now reserved 10 to the production order line that has just been created. 4. Go to the manufacturing output journal and enter a new journal line of the production order and item no 1000 with the operation number 40, being the last operation to post stock into the item ledger table. Enter a quantity of 10 in the output quantity field. 5. Select the “Prod. Order” menubutton and select “Item Tracking Lines” from the menu. 6. Enter a Item tracking specification for this journal line with the lot no being the production order no and the quantity of 10 begin the same as your output quantity on your journal line. 7. Post the item journal. The error is realised when you go back to your sales order and notice that the reserved quantity is now reserved to an output journal line, which should be reserved to an item ledger entry, which is incorrect and now you cannot post the sales document because of the incorrect reservation. If you have any fixes for this problem please let me know.
Hi Charles I am aware of issues in 3.60 between order planning an output journals with serial/lot processing involved - I believe this is some issue with table 337 the reservation entry table (amongst others [:D]). From the logs I have seen they are resolving set scenarios for 3.70. I do not know the 3.70 release date in South Africa but it is probably released - you may want ot contact your NSC and get them to run it through in 3.70.
Yes the problem in resolved in 3.7 However my customer is implemented in 3.6 is there not any patch or fix to resolve this problem in 3.6?
Hi Charles Due to the number and complexity of the issues I would guess no. I would advise you post the specific error through the channels as a fix may have been written for it in 3.60 - but my guess will be they will advise you it is fixed in 3.70 [:(!]
I’ve done it[:)]! The problem lies in codeunit “99000835 Item Jnl. Line-Reserve” in the function “FilterReservationFor()” The following snippet of coding needs to be commented out: //>>ADVNET01 :: Commented out to fix planning bug //FilterReservEntry.SETRANGE(“Serial No.”,ItemJnlLine.“Serial No.”); //FilterReservEntry.SETRANGE(“Lot No.”,ItemJnlLine.“Lot No.”); //<<ADVNET01 Hope this helps if you also come accross this error.
DO NOT deactivate this code! You will destroy the whole item tracking functionality. Your problem is solved in 3.70. Don’t know how, but definitively not the way you suggest.