Item Posting Profile

Hi All

While defining the item group, posting profile on the inventory tab following are the Fields:

Fixed Receipt price Profit: Why We use this Field ?

Fixed Receipt price Loss: Why We use this Field ?

Issue: Inventory Account, Whenever purchase order or Sales order created it will effect.

Loss: Inventory Adjustment Account whenever counting journal pass it will effect.

Receipt: Inventory Account, Whenever purchase order or Sales order created it will effect.

Profit: Inventory Adjustment Account whenever counting journal pass it will effect.

Inter- Unit Payable: Why We use this Field ?

Inter Unit Receivables: Why We use this Field ?

Could you explain me.

Thanks in Advance

Any Comments Experts

fixed receipt relates to the model group fixed receipt flag and transaction differences between item cost and process cost.

Inter-accounts are used for cost differences between sites for transfer orders.

Can u explain with an example ?

Item is set with fixed receipt. Cost on item card is $10. Received at $12. $2 posted to loss. All guess work, memory says it works that way, but the best way is for you to actually try it.

Create an item with a standard cost of $10 at site 1 and $9 at site 2. Transfer it. Posts to inter accounts. Although it maybe that it is weighted average and you have the dimension group to financially cost by site, in which case again you will have to try it, load up something with a difference and transfer it.

Let us know your results. [:D]

Thanks Steven for the reply.

Let me check from my end and post the results.