Item Availability/Forecasting Accross Multiple Companies

In our current Nav implementaton (v3.7 sql 2000) we have about 55 companies . I am in the process of upgraging to v4.3 sql 2005 and need something like the item focasting functionality in v4.3 but something that would work cross-comany (enterprise wide). I have a sql 2005 reporting server generating some consolidated reports but of course there is no sales forecasting. I do know that i could do it using Microsoft BI (along with a slew of other things) or write the whole thing in Navision for that mater but I’m trying to stay with an add-on that will not be too time consuming to get running. I haven’t implemented Business Analytics and am not sure if that functionality is availbale with BA. I also know that Lanham has a forecating and procurment module but don’t think is has Enterprise wide fuctionallity. Anybody have any other ideas?

Thanks in advance,


Navision out of box isn’t capable of achieving that. I don’t know any add-on. There are several alternatives to accomplish that but all of them involves customizing. Waldo has posted a possible solution using SQL. Try reading this

Greatly apprecitated, Nuno.