Issue in displaying records

Hi All,

I have a form A and B. I open the form B from A and didnt specify any relation in form B but written code in executequery method. Here I need form B to open with all the records irrespective of records in form A but it s displaying records related to form A only. What could be the reason for this problem? How can it be resolved?


Kuppusamy S

It sounds like a dynalink between forms. You can remove it by calling FormDataSource.clearDynalinks().

These dynalinks are constructed automatically for parent-child form scenarios, which is really useful in most cases, but it’s a bit confusing sometimes.

Hi Martin,

I thank you for your response. I found the solution for it. It was, Relation was provided at field EDT level. It made me confused. Now I’m able to display all records in child form irrespective of records in parent form.


Kuppusamy S

Sure, if there was no relation, AX wouldn’t be able to build the dynalink.