Is possible to create non database non windows users in sql

Hi all,

Client is using 6.0 SP1. some users which are created as windows login in navision is neither windows login nor database login in the SQL Server. (I have only one database Login(sa(adminstrator)))

Note: Client is using web portal as user interface

For Database Logins you need to create login on Sql Server

For Windows login create login in AD and then use in Navision

Aftrwards synchronize the logins

Can we login windows login from any system in web or nav classic

Web Means RTC or something else?

Classic Yes.

Web means , I mean to say web portal. I am able to login in webportal but not in classic navision…I am trying to login in the system using user’s windows login credentials but showing error message as “System login failed when connecting to sql server”

Did you add the users in Windows Authentication setup of navision?

Tools–.Security–.windows Authentication?

Did you login to system with same account?