Hi all! I would like to know how I can invoice goods ( supplier sent me invoices) when they are not yet receive in the warehouse?? Thanks
Yes, it pretty straight forward. Create an Order for the goods, Item line, call this line 1. When the invoice arives, add a G/L line to the Order to a G/L account “Goods Invoiced Not Received” Set the qty to 1, and the amount to the amount of the invoice. Create another line identical to the above, except Qty -1. Now set qty to rec. on line 1 to 0, line 2 set qty to rec and inv to 1, on line 3 set qty to rec to -1, and qty to invoice to 0. Like this Type No. Qty UnitAmt, QtyToRec QtyToInv Item XYZ 25 100.00 0 0 G/L 991 1 2,500.00 1 1 G/L 991 -1 2,500.00 1 0
When you post this it will create AP, plus an acrual for the balance. When the goods arrive, post the lines like this. Type No. Qty UnitAmt, QtyToRec QtyToInv Item XYZ 25 100.00 25 25 G/L 991 1 2,500.00 0 0 G/L 991 -1 2,500.00 0 1
Now everything is all balanced.