InventWarehouseOnHandCDSEntity entity does not support OData

Hi everyone:
I am going to use OData to access the entity InventWarehouseOnHandCDSEntity in order to reach the existing inventory of different sites and warehouses, but I found that the entity InventWarehouseOnHandCDSEntity does not support OData. I don’t know if anyone has done such a thing, it can give me better Suggestion

This data entity indeed isn’t public.

Do you really need to connect directly to F&O? Can’t you connect to CDS, which gets the data from this entity?

Also, check out if Inventory Visibility Add-in wasn’t useful for your scenario. Unfortunately I have no experience with it.

Sorry, I don’t really understand what CDS means, and I’m not very experienced either. It’s the first time I touch this thing, but I don’t understand it very well.How to connect to CDS through OData?

CDS stands for Common Data Service, but it has been renamed to Dataverse. Check out What is Microsoft Dataverse? and Microsoft Dataverse Developer Guide, including Use the Microsoft Dataverse Web API (or other sources).

You don’t have to use Dataverse, but you definitely should be aware of it before you start designing your integration solution.