InventTrans - PurchLine


I have the AX’s relation inventtrans.inventransid = purchline.inventransid

but When I apply a join I obtain multiple lines, I found that’s because there are 2 or more lines in inventrans (in some cases), with the same transrefid, itemid and inventransid.

What Does this situation represent? If would be an error, What can I do to obtain the correct line

in inventrans? What is the true line that affected the inventory?

Thanks in advance.

It’s not an error. It happens when, for example, you have an order with a purchline for qty 5, and you post a packing slip for qty 2 for this order. You then will have two inventtrans records for this one purchline: one for qty 2 as received, and one for qty 3 as ordered. When you ‘mark’ the purchline (to, for example, a salesline of qty 1), you will have another split in your inventtrans records to represent this new situation (for the situation with which I experimented, the inventtrans with qty 2 was split in two inventtrans records, each with a qty of 1, and one of these new inventtranses has a value for the reference lot - refering to the salesline to which I marked the purchline). Like this, all action to a purchline has some effect on the linked inventtrans record(s).

So probably your inventtrans records have a different status, or have one or more fields that are filled in differently, showing evidence of how the purchline was handled.

Hope this helps a bit.