Inventory without stock

Hi all, this is more of a best practice question really. Im thinking of implementing the inventory module for a company that does not keep any stock at all. Inventory will be used mainly as a product catalogue for sales and purchases. One of the side effects is that stock levels are always negative. Will there be any other consequences of operating such a system? Regards, Edward. Background information ---------------------- The company in question operates a large team of field engineers, who will generally purchase parts that they need on site direct from DIY stores. Purchase orders for the goods are put on by admin later on, awaiting invoice. For planned jobs, estimates are created using the item catalogue to build up estimates. Occasionally larger parts are ordered in advance, but mostly, parts will be bought by the field operatives on site, same as in previous paragraph.

Set the items up as Standard cost, and set all the cots to Zero, that way there will be no effect on the G/L, and the only thing you will get is a PPV that will actually reflect the purchase price of the items, since the variance is always the full purchase price.

Why not use “Inventory value zero”. It’s a boolean in the item table. Has been around since 2.60. You need to make it visible with the form designer.


Originally posted by Lars Westman
Why not use “Inventory value zero”. It’s a boolean in the item table. Has been around since 2.60. You need to make it visible with the form designer.

Thanks Lars, I knew that eventually someone would show me something new[;)]. Handy little feature.

Hi, thank you both for your replies. “inventory value zero” is pretty much what I was after! Regards, Edward.