Hi all… I am trying to make a temporary Physical Inventory table in 3.7. The table will have 3 columns: Lot No., Item No., and Qty. The trick is that I want to be able to scan (barcoding) in the Lot No. and have the Item No. and Qty pull in from the Item Ledger Entry table. I am having problems linking the Item No. and Qty fields to populate automatically once the Lot No. is scanned or entered. I want to do this so we can create a report from this table and then delete the entries once we are done. Please help if possible… Thanks, JP
I have made a bit of progress…I have made the two fields Item No. & Qty FLOW FIELDS with a lookup to the Item Ledger Entry table. I now just need a way to link the Lot No. field to the one on the ILE table. Basically when a lot number is enterd in this new table it should find that lot number in the ILE table and auto fill the rest. I have tried to use C/AL code and put: ILE.SETRANGE (“Lot No.”,“Lot No.”); IF ILE.FIND(’-’) THEN; in the Lot No. OnValidate section…but no go. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, JP
OK…I know I am answering my own post here…but I still am needing some assistance. I got the auto fill to work now…so when I scan the lot No. it brings in that Item No. and remaining qty on the load. But when I leave that line of the table to bring in the next item, it releases the FLOW FIELD lookups. Is there anyway to get these to stick until I delete the line? Thanks, JP
Problem Solved… JP