Inventory Closing and adjustment error


i use a mandatory warehouse and site dimensions in my items’ dimension group, as well as a batch dimension.

i’m having an error at running inventory closing and calculation. here is the error log “Inventory dimension warehouse is mandatory and must consequently be specified”

and i have traced every singled transaction of the item in question and ensured that the warehouse was specified on all of them.

what i did was i created a new dimension group with the three dimensions, however this time only the site dimension was mandatory, and i assigned it on the item’s master record. i then resumed my recalculation and it was successful.

can anyone explain this behavior? or is there anything i should have done to fix the error instead of unchecking the mandatory warehouse dimension parameter?

This turned out to be a bug, and only happens with the weighted average valuation module.

refer to the KB article in this link for more info.