I’m creating a report to copy som files. When starting I get Internal error 1 in mudule 43. Any help anyone… ?
Many thanks
I’m creating a report to copy som files. When starting I get Internal error 1 in mudule 43. Any help anyone… ?
Many thanks
Internal error 1 in module 43 (error code 2818049) means: #Err_RecConv_StringTooLong
This has been correcte in 4SP3
Quote [
P1) Internal Error 1 In Module 43
When designing a report or data-port it was possible to create a “Data Item” with a name longer than 30 characters. Compile time this would lead to the error message: “Internal Error 1 in Module 43”. Now a warning message will appear when exceeding the allowed amount of characters.
This has been corrected
VSA reference: 8502141