Could someone explain me what integer do in the reports (Report Designer, Section Designer)? I could not find any help on this one.
I am trying to figure out its “duty” when I am creating or using reports.
Could someone explain me what integer do in the reports (Report Designer, Section Designer)? I could not find any help on this one.
I am trying to figure out its “duty” when I am creating or using reports.
Integer is used to loop a certain number of times. Look at the sales invoice report(206). Its used there to loop through number of copies and number of sales lines to print.
You will have to make a range for the number of loops either by using tablefilter in the tableview, by assigning it on the predataitem, or by making some kinf of counter onaftergetrecord.
When you are using temporary tables, integer dataitems are used to loop through your records.