The properties is grayed out because , this element is extending another element…
which means it reuse the properties from the parent elements., thus you need to do the change on the parent elements. You can find the parent element on the extends properties of the current element.
What Magali offered is one of the possibles solutions, but not always the acceptable one.
You should keep in mind, that changing the base EDT of the one you want to modify will result in changes to all the extended data types that extend it.
So, for example, if the parent EDT is Name, than modifying it will result in a LOT of objects being modify throughout the system.
Another solution, which I think is more appropriate is to create a new EDT with the needed properties and use the created EDT or extend the EDT that is currently used from the create one instead of the one it was extending before.
Thanks people, but remember you are not really talking to a techy type person.
Even if I do know what EDT’s are I was a bit lost by Ivan’s remarks but I’ll try to muddle through.
PS, the reason I’m asking the question is that it’s one of the ones they ask you in the AX Production module exam so I may aswell try and get that one right.