Importing objects into Dynamics NAV 2015


Am new to the Navision 2015 can any help me to solve my issue.

When am importing the object from my local Navision 2015 to my test server the objects not getting loaded into the sql server and it throwing the following error :

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid object name ‘Demo Database NAV (8-0).dbo.CRONUS USA, Inc. 1$Item Variation’.

Thanks in advance

Can you explain the steps to you took to get the error?

Hi Erik,

Thanks for the response.

In nav 2015 i imported the objects from my local navision 2015 to one of my test server machine after importing when i compiled those objects it throwing the error.So i checked in sql server in that database the tables are not reflecting their so restarted the sql server and navision server also it not get solved.So i manually created tables in sql then my problem get solved.

once again Thanks Erik for the response…