I c'ant displya image in my ssrs report !!


I’m working on ssrs report using precision desing , all fields of my temporay table are displayd , but the image no !!

knowing that this image is field of my temporary table ( bitmap image), I dont now how to display it.

thank you for help !!


Drag and drop image conrol in report design > Right click on the image control > properties >

Select image source = database

Use this field = select your image field from tmp table

Use this MIME type = image/Jpeg

Click ok.

Before doing this in dp class add below code:

TmpTable.CompanyLogo = CompanyImage::findByRecord(Companyinfo::find()).Image;

Your temporary Table Companylogo field edt should be bitmap type. If you have any doubt check this table PurchPackingSlipHeaderTmp

I solve it , i think the source of probleme was the type of image , my fonction wich i use to populate my field image , return format bitmap public bitmap fonction(), and the image that i use was i other type (*JPEG)t !!

do you know somthing about how i an use the other types ( *.jpeg, *ping,…).

thanks for replying.
