Hw 2 display texbox in a tabluar form with 0 Recs?

I am working in Customer Ledger Entries form. I have placed few textbox controls to display outside calculated value, below the textbox control. My problem is, when the Rec has 0 records (because of some filter condition) my text box control values are not shown. But they contains the proper values. I think the system suppress display if there is no records. I want to deliberately display the value. Is there any way to do so?

Where do you populate your textboxes…OnAfterGetRecord, ONAfterGetCurrRecord, or OnOpenForm?


Also calling from OnActivateForm()

I would suggest to call the field Update manually after calculating the values: CurrForm.TextBox.Update(); You need to exchange the word TextBox with the name of your actual control. That should help.

It doesn’t work Thomas. Here is my code : IF Rec.FIND(’-’) THEN GetOpeningBalance(Rec) ELSE FunGetOpBalforEmptyRec; CurrForm.OpCr.UPDATE(); OpCr is a TextBox Control. I am assigning values through the functions. The contral has proper value as I told before.

What is the Editable property for the form? If it is set to “No” try making it “Yes” and then set the editable property to “No” for the individual controls.

Obviously the OnAfterGetRecord Trigger will do nothing in this case. I would use the OnFormOpen myself and see what that does.

You should call it on both triggers if the values can change (or are changed when changing a flowfilter field or any other filter). Otherwise the OnOpenForm trigger is the best place to do it.

At last I found a way to display text box controls ! I did this way : Changed Form Property as follows : InsertAllowed : Yes ModifyAllowed : No DeleteAllowed : No Update() is not required. Thank u guys !