How would you get equivalent code in NAV 2013?

//Specify the binding to be used for the client.
WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding();
binding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;

//Specify the address to be used for the client.
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress(wsaddcamb.Text);

ServiceReference2.IeLinkClient ic = new ServiceReference2.IeLinkClient(binding, address);

XmlIOResponse iRespone = new XmlIOResponse();

ServiceReference2.OrderStatusResponse ors = new ServiceReference2.OrderStatusResponse();

ors = ic.GetInboundOrderStatus(“9270”, “0018656”, txtUserID.Text, txtPwd.Text);

//iResponse = ic.ImportOutbound(onh, ond, txtUserID.Text, txtPwd.Text);
//MessageBox.Show("Doc#: " + iResponse.WmsPickNumber + “\n\nSystemMessage: " + iResponse.SystemMessage);
MessageBox.Show(”\n\nSystemMessage: " + ors.OrderStatus.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)

Is there no one who has done this?

What is exactly required in this ??

What is this code is for ?

This is .net code and we are trying to connect to external web service (which is already published) through NAV.

Hi Neha,

Check out this blog post on calling external web services from NAV.