I am trying to make new Job Schedule in Navision 4.0, In Administration category there are two sub category 1)IT Administration and 2) Application Setup. In IT administration there are two sub category’s Job scheduler manegwment and Job Scheduler overview, like this:
IT Administration
Job scheduler manegement
Job Scheduler overview
Application Setup
Jon Scheduler Setup
Manegement Setup
which of one do i need to create new job? and how to use it?
Job shceuler reuires that NAS (Navision Application Server) should be installed and configured for it (you need to specify proper Paramter for NAS). I don’t have this version of Navision, so can’t tell you exact detail but there should be one card in which you specify which objects should be run and their frequecy (time interval) and another form which lists the error messages (if any).
If you want to create a new job , go to jobs and create a new job card . (see the example in cronos job module ). But you can open the jobs module if your license permits it ??
Job Scheduler and Jobs Module are two totally different things. The question here is about Job Scheduler, which is used for automatically running (or better call it scheduling) reports and Codeunits.
Use Application Setup>> Job Scheduler>> Job Scheduler Setup. Search here on this community for Job Scheduler and you will get lot of info. I am little confused about Job Queue and Job Scheduler, may be these are just name change from navision 4 to 5…
Thank you for helping, i’ll try to install nas and after instaling of nas i must use job schedluer in navision or i must make new job in nas? and must i use c/al code? i do not know it
You have to create job using Job Scheduler only. NAS will run continuously and it will call the codeunit 1 ApplicationManagement (If configured properly, you can verify this from the windows event log with a event type as information message.) and if you look into the codeunit 1 you will see the piece off code to call the “JOBQUEUE” .