How to store ssrs report data in to another table using job

In ssrs reports witch data show in report, i need that data is stored in another table using job, if i run the job the data witch is in report out , that data will store in table.

plz help mee find out this issue

Can you tell us more about the job? How do you expect it to know which report print to take data from?

What’s the business requirement you’re trying to implement? I need to know to understand whether you need the underlying data (e.g. AX records) or the actual data from the report (summarized, processed by expressions in report design etc).

Which version of AX are you using? (Please always attach a tag with your version of AX.)

Also, please ask development-related question in the developer forum (I’ll move it there this time).

I have CustAging report in AR (Account receivable—reports–status–custaging) . if i run the report it give some output, whill running the output it used Temptable for output. My question is if i duplicate that Temp Table and rename to TempTable1 and in table properties TableTypeis: Regular . if i run the report what are the output come that will store in TempTable1. For that i need to write a job soo can any one explain me how to write business logic for that .

my Ax version is 2012.

CustAgingReport takes data from CustAgingReportDS class; you can implement any logic you want there. The temporary table is filled in insertCustAgingReportTmp() method.

This solution wouldn’t involve any X++ job.


As Martin said,

DPClassName DP = new DPClassName ();

ContractClassName contract = new ContractClassName ();

TmpTableName tmp;

TableToInsertInName table;






while select tmp

{ =;

table.yyy = tmp.yyy;




Ahmad Al-Saify.

i am write the Below code in the job , i am not get any data from the tempTable, in this code u find any error plz let me inform me .[:)]

staticvoid CustAging(Args _args)


CustAgingReportDP custAgingReportDP;

CustAgingReportContract custAgingReportContract;

CustAgingTable custAgingTable;

TmpAccountSum tmpAccountSum;


custAgingReportDP =

new CustAgingReportDP();

custAgingReportContract =

new CustAgingReportContract();

















while select tmpAccountSum


custAgingTable.Balance01Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance01Cur;

custAgingTable.Balance01MSTDebCred = tmpAccountSum.Balance01MSTDebCred;

custAgingTable.Balance02 = tmpAccountSum.Balance02;

custAgingTable.Balance02Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance02Cur;

custAgingTable.Balance02MSTDebCred = tmpAccountSum.Balance02MSTDebCred;

custAgingTable.Balance03 = tmpAccountSum.Balance03;

custAgingTable.Balance03Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance03Cur;

custAgingTable.Balance04 = tmpAccountSum.Balance04;

custAgingTable.Balance04Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance04Cur;

custAgingTable.Balance05 = tmpAccountSum.Balance05;

custAgingTable.Balance05Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance05Cur;

custAgingTable.Balance06 = tmpAccountSum.Balance06;

custAgingTable.Balance06Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance06Cur;

custAgingTable.Balance07 = tmpAccountSum.Balance07;

custAgingTable.Balance07Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance07Cur;

custAgingTable.Balance10 = tmpAccountSum.Balance10;

custAgingTable.Balance10Cur = tmpAccountSum.Balance10Cur;

custAgingTable.CurrencyCode = tmpAccountSum.CurrencyCode;

custAgingTable.DefaultDimension = tmpAccountSum.DefaultDimension;

custAgingTable.DEL_Dimension = tmpAccountSum.DEL_Dimension;

custAgingTable.EUROTriangulation = tmpAccountSum.EUROTriangulation;

custAgingTable.IsCustAccount = tmpAccountSum.IsCustAccount;

custAgingTable.OperationsTax = tmpAccountSum.OperationsTax;

custAgingTable.Posting = tmpAccountSum.Posting;

custAgingTable.Qty01= tmpAccountSum.Qty01;

custAgingTable.Qty02= tmpAccountSum.Qty02;

custAgingTable.Qty03= tmpAccountSum.Qty03;

custAgingTable.SortDate= tmpAccountSum.SortDate;

custAgingTable.TaxCode = tmpAccountSum.TaxCode;

custAgingTable.TransDate = tmpAccountSum.TransDate;

custAgingTable.Txt = tmpAccountSum.Txt;

custAgingTable.Voucher = tmpAccountSum.Voucher;




You don’t know anything about programming, do you? Your code doesn’t do anything at all. Even if you don’t understand your code, you wouldn’t have wasted time asking here if you walked through the code in debugger at least once.

My recommendation is: find a developer to help you with this task.

A few specific things about your code:

  1. The call to custAgingReportContract.parmAgingBuckets() (and all similar calls) only returns a value, which you ignore (and it’s default anyway). It has no effect at all. It seems that you wanted to set values to the data contract, but you haven’t passed any values to parm* methods.
  2. You never assign any value to tmpAccountSum, therefore it’s always empty and you never get into the while loop. Use CustAgingReportTmp, which you can get from CustAgingReportDP.getCustAgingReportTmp(). (If you wanted to use CustTmpAccountSum by some reason, you would have to change CustAgingReportDP to expose it.)