How to Print and Post Check from the Vendor Card

Hi, I am trying to print and post a check by using a command button on the Vendor card. Here is the code that I got on the On Push trigger: // print check DocPrint.RUN; CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::“Adjust Gen. Journal Balance”,GenJnlLine); REPORT.RUN(1401,FALSE,TRUE); // post check CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::“Gen. Jnl.-Post”,GenJnlLine); It was working alright earlier, while testing it. But later on, I was getting the following 3 different error messages randomly: 1. Gen. Journal Template Name ‘’ does not exist. 2. Check 271 already exists for this bank account. 3. Check printed must be Yes in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name=Payment, Journal Batch Name=General, Line No.=10000 I tried to use the debugger to find out what the problem was, but it won’t let me walk through the whole process when the printer status box showed up. So, how should I debug this process without getting any interruptions? Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Sylvia Tsang Management Software Solutions, Inc.

How does the system know what to pay? Is a entry already in the Journal?? Bill Benefiel Manager of Information Systems Overhead Door Company (317) 842-7444 ext 117

I added a new field to the Vendor table, and it is called Loan Check Amount. After the amount is entered, it will be inserted to the Payment Journal’s Amount field. Sincerely, Sylvia Tsang Management Software Solutions, Inc.

This begin the case you could: a) call the report with the General Journal Template Name and the General Journal Batch Name being filtered on the Journal & Batch name to which you sent the entry OR b) When the button is pushed, create the entry, and open the form to the payment journal in question. From there you can not only print the check but, also post it once it is printed! Bill Benefiel Manager of Information Systems Overhead Door Company (317) 842-7444 ext 117