how to prevent SO from pick-packing slip when no item exists in Inventory?

Hi, I create an SO for a finished good (manufacturing item) and production starts. I set the ‘pick negative’ on for the production parameters. So production goes through even if no quantity exists in Inventory. However, I don’ want to sales order to packslip if the production item doesn’t exists in Inventory. I set the 'packing slip to “completed” in AR parameters. So, what settings will prevent the user from processing the sales order until the production order is completed?

  1. Is there any parameter settings I should consider, if I select 'ATP" or CTP in the delivery date for the Sales Order?

  2. is there any log somewhere in Production that show who does what - ie. who started the production order, who is completed the stages etc.?

Thanks in advance.

  1. Look at the item model group and prevent negative inventory on the parent item, it means raw material and finished goods will have different groups but this is not an issue.

  2. The journals posted by each stage will have the user who posted them captured against them.

Thanks a lot Adam. That’s what I am going with. deselect pick-negative for the Parent BoM with one inventory model group. And set the raw to pick-negative with another inventory model group. I hope this will stop SO from pack-slip updated when no parent bom in stock.

With these to set up, then I don’t need to select ‘pick negative’ in the production parameters. Correct?

thank you

I believe so, but easy for you to test.