How to output a different item code

Hi, guys
do you think there would be a way to output from a production order to a different item code than that specified on the PO line?

My creative users have a production order partially executed. They want to stop the production and store the half done product under a new item code to future usage. Of course, we might output it with its present code, then move the quantity from a code to an other with negative and positive adjustements, but the output of the unfinished item would affect the item average cost, which we would like to avoid.

Thank you for whatever help you might offer (new jobs included [;)])

Hi Anna

I presume you have processed consumption and output routing against the order up until this stage? This will have costs associated with item “a”. You could add another line to the released order and book this in, but the costs will not flow through against this item. Ultimately if you book the item in it will affect the average cost (are you average costed? urgggggghhh [:(]), you have to book it in to get the item in, if you book in a second line it will have an expected but no actual cost as the costs have been booked against the other line.

I am afraid I do not believe there is a work around here, you’ll need to book it in, then adjust it in and out.

That’s exactly what I said when I first came into this company a saw they were average costed on all the items, either purchased and produced! [:S]

BTW - If some smart guy posts a, say, purchase item ledger entry with a stupidly wrong cost (something like switching comma for dot), what can be done to correct the mistake?.. obviously the smart guy will not tell until at least a hundred of other miscellaneus entries have been posted! [:'(]

What can be done? Remove all transactions and entries and book it all back in again [:D]

Average costing just seems to have so many issues depending upon the processing, and it is afterall “periodic” average costing which adds an extra dimension of complexity.

Why not create a new production order to convert the original item into the new item?