Has anyone a solution for opening a .jpg from Navision? I’m thinking of a viewer which I can call/control via a .ocx or .dll.
Navision till version 2.6 doesn’t allow visual ocx, so opening a .jpg from navision it’s a real problem. If u’ve a program defined for viewing the .jpg files, you can use the hyperlink command for opening it with the associated program, but not directly in navision. Regards, – Alfonso Pertierra apertierra@teleline.es Spain
For a customer who wanted to show his huge collection of item-pictures in Navision, as well as on the web, as well as on every PC in the building, I did develop an “on the fly” picture convertor as part of the demo we had to give there. This convertor takes jpg, gif, wmf and a couple of other graphic formats, and makes a temporary bmp file of 'm for showing on screen or printing out. This conversion is so quick, your user won’t even notice it’s being done. Even though it’s an unfinished project (customer didn’t order yet), with some hardcoded stuff where a setup would be better, you can get a copy if you like. Just drop me a mail. John
I would appreciate if someone can be a good samaritan by sending me the convertor as the download section is not working to sokekuen@yahoo.com Thank you.