How to link Bizerba weigh devices to Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Can anyone help me how to link Bizerba weigh devices to Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

From NAV we have to send Items information to Bizerba. Information like Price, Description, barcode, Shelf life and so on.

Welcome to the user group! :slight_smile:

It’s a very specific question, about a weight I have never heard about (although just check the net and it seems to be a good brand).

So if you don’t have documentation on how to integrate to this weigh with NAV from the vendor you bought it from.

Then when you know a bit more about the technology used by the weight for integration, then I’m sure some of our members know how t link it…

Link to Bizerba Home:

Link to connect bizerba with other application:

You can control the device using the com port it is connected to, but the DotNet variable you declare for communiction (System.IO.Ports.SerialPort class in System) must be declared as “RunOnClient”.

From there it is something like:

SerialPort := SerialPort.SerialPort("Com1", 9600, Parity.None, 8, 0);
ValueFromScale := SerialPort.ReadExisting();

It might be more efficient to Open the Port within the OpenPage trigger, have a button for reading and interpreting the value and close the port in the ClosePage trigger.


Specific question and i have the specific answer :slight_smile:

I made a middleware to send the information as you request and to recieve the data you need like weighings.

If still relevant contact me for more information;

For a first and quick view take a look at
