How to find Client License in Server

Hi All,

I know this is very basic question i just want to know , i have to find out my clinet license file lic.flf in server can any one tell me where it is store in server.

Using NAV 2009 SP -1 , RTC version



Search for Fin.FlF in server

i have done this ,but there are so many file and all the file have same size can any one tell me what is the size of cutomer lic. because cronuos lic has size of 6 kb and as far as i know the size of customer lic has size of more than 6 kb.

any other way to find out.



Go to Tools–> License Information and Try to Export the license…

if i will export the lic , it has side effect means my normal working process will be same or it will be stop, and throwing the error to user , because i have never done this before. so that’s why asking to you.

No it will not throw any error .We are just exporting the file and not replacing license file

Ok amol i will try this , and get back to you.



Hi Amol ,

It throw this Error while exporting the lic.

The Operating System cannot access to the file C:\Program Files(x86)
\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Classic\LIC.flf.

Verfiy that the file type and attributes are correct.



Have you checked the license file in the path the error has been shown by the operating system.

Yes i have checked it there is only one license is there cronus.flf no other license is there i want to acess my customer license . for some testing point of view

Best way ask your partner to resend the file by downloading it from partner source.

This is yourt best option, as you can’t export the license from SQL. My question is why do you need to export the license anyways?

Well i have upload some patch, i need to check that this particular patch will work on clinet license or not because i have only developer licesne and there this patch is working.

If you’re their partner why don’t you just get a copy of their license from Microsoft?