How to create tables in Word from Navision?

Hi, I try to create a tabel in Word while exporting an (unknown) number of lines from Navision. What is the way to insert a table in Word (in C/Side code) and add lines when needed? Regards, Arjan

Using Automation you put all kind of data into Word (or Excel or Outlook, for that matter). Navision has a set of samples how to use i.e. the various ‘Microsoft Word 8.0 Object Library’ objects. At least, Navision The Netherlands has this set on its PartnerWeb available for NSC/NSP’s. John

where can I get this information without going to the Netherlands site?

The information I requested in not in the package mentioned. I’m also looking how to give a formula to Excel. I know I have to use the FormulaR1C1 function, but I can’t get it to accept the formula properly. Arjan