How to create InventBatchId for an item by Code.

Hi all,

I’ve already known how to create a trasaction below (by debug & trace codes): InventUpd_Estimated → createEstimateInventTrans → class InventMovement → method initInventTransFromBuffer .But I changed the way to tructure database, I will create a transaction though Journal ( not though Trans any more). I will think the way to do later. I don’t have problems with convert units anymore. We use sheet → splitted sheets & roll → splitted rolls.

I stop this problem for a moment & come back later. Thanks for all your suggestions.

mm really great ? thank u Microsoft very much

this dimension auto creation is great … really

but should not they think about all this automation at the emigration process

I am having real bad time import Master data … and hill time when upload OB

u have said something about insert new record using the method InventDim::findOrCreate

Can not I use this method “or any other method” to auto generate combination and assign sequence number … for i just upload data to the following table

Invent table




and run the auto generate combination to create all combination and assign number sequence

the method "inventdimcombinationautocreae"

this method works on one items

cant we edit the code adding an array to run the method on all items !!

is not this a solution ??

please give a hand

thank you very much in advance