How to capture marked invoices in function->settlement form in AP ?

In Account Payable->Journals->Payment journal->Lines->select line->function->settlement

on this settlement form whatever i check those invoice names i want

For example suppose i select two invoices then i want to capture those invoice names like invoice1;invoice3

My point is how to pick those selected invoices, because Mark is a display method and it is a image file ?I

Any idea how to pick ?

Hi Satya,

Use the standardized approach in order to get the invoicename.

You can look at the form of ledgerjournaltrans, how its getting populated with the cumulative of amount from that settlement form

Just try to debug the VendOpentrans and related class, putting debugger in ledgerjournaltrans > Update will let you know when, what & from where it is fetching the record when you select the mark…just try you would get it!!

Hi Satya,

for this issue you have to use the spectrans table…

from spectrans table just filter the specrecid and spectableid fields with the active

ledgerjournaltrans … line recid and table id…

then u will observe that filtering has been done with some records those are the records…

just use those recids one by one in order to sort from custtransopen/vendtransopen table … records…

then use custtrans/vendtrans table using the relations with custtransopen/vendtransopen table and get the invoice numbers…

static void Job29(Args _args)
spectrans s;
vendtrans v;
vendtransopen vp;

while select s
where s.SpecRecId == 10736794008173252
select firstonly vp
where vp.RecId == s.RefRecId;
if (vp)
select firstonly v
where v.RecId == vp.RefRecId;
if (v)


Hi Satya,

Below code with give you marked/selected records in a form.

VendTable vendTableLocal;


vendTableLocal= VendTable_ds.getFirst(true);\



info(“Vendor: %1”,vendTableLocal.AccountNum)

vendTableLocal = VendTable_ds.getNext();

