Now I am working in Sales Quotation Report Customization in AX 2012. I am adding 2 fields(DlvMode,DlvTerm) in SalesQuotationHeaderTmp Table and assign these 2 fields in salesQuotationDP class(setSalesQuotationHeaderTmp method)
Still I am facing the same problem after generate the incremental CIL and try compiling the DP class. The Delivery mode does not exist in reoprt data provider table. I think SetSalesQuotationHeaderTmp method in SalesQuotationDP class is a protected method. Remaining standard DP classes like SalesInvoiceDP, SalesPackingSlipDP classes having the private methods (insert into Tmp table).
Hi Everyone, I am new to making any changes to this report layout (so pardon me if i ask a dumb Q). Say, if I need to change the label “Sales Quotation” to something like “Customer Sales Quotation” how could I do that? Do I still need to use VS?
2). Is it possible to print the report in Landscape as I see most of the report print in portrait?
I have some experience with business intel dev studio 2008 where I have customized the report for Dynamics CRM. Is that the same approach here?
I notice mentioning of classes - So does it mean, we need to make the code level changes and if so, how could I be able to figure out which class is behind each existing field or for adding new fields how could this be done?