how can i shift indian localization apllication into standard localization

Dear all,

we developed one Application in Axapta 3.0 and sp3 (indian localization).i want to shift into standard localization .so for that i delete all 7 indian licalization files in the application and recompile entire apllication once again,but i face so meny errors like. when i open customized forms i got this error how can i solve this problem.

error :Cannot read a record in Purchase lines (PurchLine).
The record has been deleted by another user.

what methods i follow to shift indian localization apllicationsinto standard lacalization


B2B team.

Did you write you modifications on a separate layer?

If so, (for example, the VAR layer), then you might simply copy the axvar* files from the appl\standard folder into the corresponding folder of the other application.

And then perform a syncronization of the AOT with the DataBase.

About the error you get: Provide more information on how you performed the shift.