Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group in mysql

I use this sql statement to get the Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group in mysql. The field in mysql is also called Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group sqlstring2 = "Insert into gl_entry " sqlstring2 = sqlstring2 & “( Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group ) values (” & rs(“Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group”) & “)” now with this statement I get an error on the field Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group of the mysql table (not the rs one) it is a syntax error but I tried ‘Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group’ ““Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group”” ´Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group` “Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group” But all te same result. I could change the field name in mysql ofcource but it is created by another person who used delphi instead of vb but his programs use that field name. and I don’t have the source code. Can i fix it?