Free Tutorial for Beginner and Intermediate

Hi Guys. I have been working all weekend on getting my new website up and runing, while looking for something to put on it, I decided to do a free tutorial as a test. It is a G/L Account tutorial with 13 Accounting Periods and Fiscal Year Dynamic fields, this is something that is asked for a lot, and quite easy to do, there is a Scenario, Analysis and a working solution. Its a 23 pages pdf file, with lots of screen shots and easy to follow pages, and you can download a source text fob as well. It will give you an insight as to how to read code you may have seen. You do not have to register to download it, and there is no advertising on the site, as it is my personal space. All I would ask is you make a comment after you have read, or tried the tutorial, as to if it was a help or not, how I can improve the tutorial. Good Luck If Admin wants a full zipped copy to upload here as well let me know. The link is David

Hi Guys It seems my Tutorial may be only for the GB version. Feedback from Norway Codeunit 395 - PeriodFormManagement does not include : a: SetCalendarSource b: BuildDateFilter this will enable you to still create the report on the base calendar // a: SetCalendarSource // PeriodFormMgt.SetCalendarSource(CalendarSource); b: BuildDateFilter // DateFilter[14] := PeriodFormMgt.BuildDateFilter(Calendar); DateFilter[14] := STRSUBSTNO(’%1…%2’,Calendar.“Period Start”,NORMALDATE(Calendar.“Period End”)); I do not have the W1 objects so I cannot find out, if these functions are in the WW1 Database. I will develop any Tutorials in WW1, and GB if required. And create a WW1 version of tutorial_1

The multi accounting calendar functionality is GB specific, though there were rumours of it going global in 4.00, but I guess that never happened. Why not copy the functions from the Codeunit into the report, then the report will be more universal. Though if I rememebr correctly I think the GB Accouning Period table is also differnet to the W1 one.