Free item (Buy x items free 1 item)

Is there a setup in Navision that can be setup as a free item? Example: when buying 10 units, 1 unit is free, when buying 20 units, 2 units are free. Thanks!

No there is not - However you CAN set up different UNIT prices based on qty sold. You will need to get in tuch with your nsc and have them do the modification for you.

You may find that if you use the Standard Functionality “Sales Prices” you can set this up. If you sell the item for $90 (Retail Price) and want a 3 for 2 deal, i.e. buy 2 get one free. You would set up the “sales price” “Minimum Quantity” to 3 and put in a price of $60. Therefore when you sold 3, you would have a total price of $180. OR the third item for free.

Hi Therese, Do you need to keep track of the different posting a/cs for the free goods? If you do, then you need customization to keep track of free goods line, FMCG industry very particular abt this charging line… We do free goods treatment that considered that as the line discount amount with a check to indicate free goods (with the different product posting group) to serve as workflow for the system to perform the posting. Small amount customization would be sufficient. Regards.


You may find that if you use the Standard Functionality “Sales Prices” you can set this up. If you sell the item for $90 (Retail Price) and want a 3 for 2 deal, i.e. buy 2 get one free. You would set up the “sales price” “Minimum Quantity” to 3 and put in a price of $60. Therefore when you sold 3, you would have a total price of $180. OR the third item for free.
Originally posted by John Curtain - 2005 Feb 27 : 20:43:38

I don’t think this will work, because in that case when you enter a qty of 4, you get a price of $60 for all 4, and that would be $240. If I understand correctly, they want the first 2 for $90, the 3rd free, and then the 4th for $90, so that would be a total of $270. I’m afraid the only way is to do a customization that maybe creates an additional non-editable order line for the item for a 0 price. Or, you could go with a line discount approach, where you create a dollar amount discount for the value of the unit price for each third item.

Daniel is correct. In the example any qty greater than the min qty will also have the discounted price. unless (using the example) @ min qty 4 you go back to reg price & @ 6 you create another discounted price, & so on & so on. This doesn’t seem like the best way to go. We do a similar thing. The easiest solution was just make it part of our order form where it can be written how many are free. This way order entry can enter the item again and place 100% in the item discount field. I know it’s not automatic but some things just have to done manually sometimes [:I] Also make reports easy because we can filter on %100 discounted items to figure out what we are giving away.

No I don’t think that will work either, because Navision will find the best price when you enter the item’s quantity. If there is a price with min qty 4 that is lower than a price with min qty 6, then if I’m not mistaken, Navision will automatically enter the lowest price. The more I think about this, the more I prefer going with logic that creates a ‘free’ line for the same Item. I think this should somehow be linked to the original line, with a function in the Sales Line table that controls the qty, so the line should not be editable to the users. I think I’d add a non-editable boolean type field called ‘Free Item Line’ to the sales line, and put some logic in OnAfterGetRecord of the sales order subform to make the whole line editable based on its value. The hard part abobut this is how you want to set up the conditions (i.e. ‘buy 3 get 1 free’). I’d have to spend some more serious brain power to that one :), probably with something like the existing sales price functionality. Isn’t there something like this in the Landsteinar (infostore) retail add-on?

We will start using the Item Quantity Discounts tomorrow so I will be able to test all it can do. i’m curious if we can bring back the original price: Code=test Min Qty 3 - discount%5 Code=test Min Qty 4 - discount%0 Code=test Min Qty 6 - discount%5 anyway… We were tossing around ideas about creating a Item Price Break Table or a FREE ITEM MULTIPLE field. For example item XXX would get a free item every 10 (10,20,30,40) item YYY might be (3,6,9,12) item XXX might be (50,100,150) During sales line entry it would check the item’s price break table & if it hits one of the multiples it would automatically re-enter the item again underneath (free item line - as stated above) I guess it’s all about how complicated you want to get and/or how important it is.

savatage99 - You might - But I do belive that Navision will tell it self, that 5% is higher than 0% - And therefore give 5% discount anyways - Just like Sales Price will always take the lowest price, that are within the filters. I see no way around it; you will need a modification. I would aks the Sales Guys, if spending the money to change the system is worth it - or if they can come up with a better pricing structure that Navision can handle.

well for testing purposes…there it is: i set it up for 12 to be 5% discount 13 to be 0% discount 14 to be 10% discount & it worked. it actually did go back. The code is a very simple code at work here (at least on 3.10B. "Quantity Disc. %" := 0; IF Type = Type::Item THEN BEGIN IF (Quantity = "Quantity Invoiced") AND (CurrFieldNo <> 0) THEN CheckItemChargeAssgnt; GetSalesHeader; IF SalesHeader."Allow Quantity Disc." AND "Allow Quantity Disc." THEN BEGIN ItemSalesQtyDisc.SETRANGE(Code,"Quantity Disc. Code"); ItemSalesQtyDisc.SETRANGE("Minimum Quantity",0,ABS("Quantity (Base)")); IF ItemSalesQtyDisc.FIND('+') THEN "Quantity Disc. %" := ItemSalesQtyDisc."Discount %"; END; END; VALIDATE("Quantity Disc. %");