Form 16 Chart of account is very slow ATTAIN 360

I have a attain 360 Database 5 Years : 400Mo Not Very Big When i look the chart of account and when the totaling field come in the screen then it is very slow. Has anyBody a solution to boost this form. Sorry for my englich Thank for your helps Didier

Hi I think we need more information: What is your key if you open the form (Shift & F8)? Did you set any filters? Which fields are shown on the form? bye André

It’s a standard 360 NAVISION. With 107704 G/L Entry All is standard. Has anybody the same problem ?

Is this the only part of the system running slowly? As Andre said, are there any filters being set, and any extra fields been added to the form?

yes its the only part of the system running slowly. there are no extra fields and no filters Its slow when i display in the form a totaling filter account n°

Is it on SQL or Navision Server? In a backup database, try deleting and creating ‘Keys’ on G/L Entry, G/L Account Tables.

VERSION NAVISION SERVER I think its the problem from trigger open form in the form 16 there is the code : SETRANGE(“G/L Entry Type Filter”,“G/L Entry Type Filter”::Definitives); But i have no key who begin with : “G/L Entry Type Filter” After test It OK NOW

Standard MBS Navision 3.60 does not have a field called “G/L Entry Type Filter”, and Form 16 does not have any code in OnOpenForm. I suppose your version is not standard after all, or…?

I suppose it’s a FRENCH Standard from navision ATTAIN. In table 17 field : 10810 Thank you for all your helps Didier