Foreign Bank Account

How can we adjust the Realised Gain/Loss for Bank account without affecting the Customer & Vendor? Scenario -------- 1. Created a Bank Account with Currency Code USD 2. Post an entry with 1000 USD @ exchange rate of 3.8 3. Post another entry with -1000 USD @ exchange rate of 3.9 4. Look at the Bank Card, now is showing Balance =0 and Balance (LCY) = -100 System will post to the realised loss account of 100 if we run the Adjust Exchange Rate. BUT the situation is that when we run the GL–> Periodic Activities → Currency → Adjust Exch. Rate batch job it will revaluate for Customer & Vendor as well. This will update the unrealised gain/loss which in this case customer may only wants to do it at year end.

Yes the batch job will run for Customer, Vendors and Banks. If you would like to exclude Banks, then you can open a new currency for the Bank and then include only this currency while running the batch job. Hope that helps… Cheers

Perhaps you can change the Customer and Vendor realized/unrealized gains/loss accounts so they all point to the same G/L Account. This way the adjustment will only affect the bank adjustment accounts.

If I point to the same G/L Account for the unrealised/realised account, the system will adjust all the customer & vendor open entries with the same currency code as the bank. As result, my Balance LCY for Customer & Vendor will be adjusted as well.

Yep, you’re right. I was wrong. It cannot be solved this way. Then the only way I see is to modify the batch job, to enable the user to select which types of accounts he/she wants to adjust, for example by making 3 checkboxes in the request form, one for customer, one for vendor and one for bank and then skip the relevant code in the batch job according to the user’s selection.

Yep, you’re right. I was wrong. It cannot be solved this way. Then the only way I see is to modify the batch job, to enable the user to select which types of accounts he/she wants to adjust, for example by making 3 checkboxes in the request form, one for customer, one for vendor and one for bank and then skip the relevant code in the batch job according to the user’s selection.